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Rise Up and Become Image of clouds,, amy mueller, lds
Christianity, LDS, Miracles, Progress, Uncategorized

Rise Up and Become

I have, yet again, been given the opportunity to evaluate my belief in Truth.

Recently, there have been some incredible people that I know who have lost a spouse, a child, been diagnosed with cancer, or a number of other devastating circumstances.

Terrible Things Happening to Good People


A handful of years ago, I believed that when you do good things, good things happen to you or for you. That the yield we have in this life is directly related to what we do. Though, I probably wouldn’t have described it in the moment that way. I don’t want to push aside the idea that we should work hard to gain results, I do believe that still to be true.

graph image, becoming,, amy mueller


I no longer believe that there are many guarantees in life. For years I prayed on the subject, looked at the patterns in the lives around me, and attended the temple to plead with my Father in Heaven about this subject. I came to the conclusion that the only thing that comes to those who do what they can in this life is the potential for peace to exist internally.

For years I found myself trying to do what I felt I should, but kept having tough things happen. I knew I wasn’t perfect, but felt like my intention and effort were sincere. This made me think, at that time, that what I was doing wasn’t good enough, else my life would be better.

Surely, it was evidence that I wasn’t good enough or did not have enough faith.

I started to read in the Book of Mormon and Bible with new eyes and began to understand more of what God being no respecter of people meant.

I saw that sometimes people declared their testimonies and were saved from fire, but other times they burned! Job has just about the worst life I can imagine. The Savior Himself was reviled, hated, baited, and even had those closest to Him deny Him.

The One who came to save the world from spiritual death.

This went against what I saw culturally around me in the Christian faith, as well as my specific branch of Christianity within the LDS faith. I saw people talking about material goods as blessings, the concept that if more people prayed for something, it would be more likely that a miracle would be granted, and guaranteed financial blessings when paying tithing.

The counter point being, there are many people starving in the world that are great people, and some people don’t have many friends to include in a prayer chain. Does God not love them as much?

As my brother likes to say: I don’t think God considers prayers as if they were faceboook likes.

What I have begun to grasp is that God is much more concerned about the people we become than any other thing. He wants us to develop into the people that we are meant to be., amy mueller, lds faith, becoming new

Difficult things happen for all sorts of reasons: biology, choices we make, choices others make that effect us, and who knows what other reason. I believe that God has the power to change things. I do. But I also believe in a God that finds choice to be an essential point of progress.

When we choose to utilize the experiences that happen around us and to us as an opportunity to become a better version of ourselves, that  is when we find internal peace. I don’t think we are guaranteed to have our communities continue to accept us, our family member’s lives to be preserved, or any physical or mental problems be completely removed from us.

It may happen, but it may not.

So does that mean the terrible things that happen were always going to happen?

I have no idea.

What I do  know is that I have seen incredible people utilize horrific experiences to become a better version of themselves. I have seen people become more empathetic, raise awareness around them, start service organizations, and quietly insist on serving people. It is awe-inspiring to witness people walk through tragedy and hear them stand resolutely that Christ is their Savior and that they have a Heavenly Father that knows and love them. That doesn’t mean they don’t have tough, sad, empty, or ask ‘why?’ days. They can have all of those things and still feel a sense of overarching peace in their life.

This has given me an opportunity to reflect on what is most important to me and what I believe. I know that Christ came to save us in our guarantee of sinning. I know I have a loving Heavenly Father who allowed me to have opportunities to learn to become better. I have done okay in some ways, and have a long way to go in many others. And that’s okay. I am grateful to have a Savior who overcame the bands of death and so that families can know one another into the eternities.

I am sure that in another 5 years my view on the subject of becoming may have evolved some more, but for now, this is where I sit.

And, finally, questions remain. 

Probably the first sentence I formed as a toddler was a question. I have always been a big fan of questions and am fine to sit in a spot of unknowing and mull over questions.

-Is it possible for God teach us these things without it being so devastating?

-What does ‘faith to be healed’ mean? How do I resolve the idea in ‘faith to be healed’ with ‘faith that whatever is best will happen’?

-How do large scale miracles occur?

-By what criteria do miracles occur? The sum total of positivity from those witnessing it vs. the sum total of development that happens otherwise?

-In what way do I approach the balance of faith and works?

-Asking for Priesthood blessings is an important part of the faith process, but if ‘what be, will be’, how is that resolved? Does the mere asking help a person become a changed person?



Tithing, LDS, lds tithing, amywearsblack,, amyemueller,, amy e mueller, amy mueller
Christianity, LDS

Magical Thinking and Religion

I don’t believe in magical thinking with religion. Granted, some of my atheist friends will say that any belief in a man in the sky, is magical thinking. Totally get that. Some of them also don’t understand why I am religious since they perceive me as more nihilistic. (Spolier, I’m not! My motivations for ‘what is, will be’ are religiously rooted.)

But there are some things that people have support their belief in the LDS gospel that I just, flat out, don’t believe. A great example of this is tithing.

Some people support their testimony in tithing citing a situation in which they didn’t have enough money to pay their bills as well as their tithing. They took a leap of faith and paid their tithing and *magically* there was more money in their account then they thought and they were able to pay their bills.

I say you don’t know how to do math or balance your checkbook correctly. 

I believe in a God that operates under laws. One of those laws (that I love) is math. I do believe in a God that can know a check is in the mail that you forgot was coming or a God that can touch someone’s heart to give you an opportunity to meet your needs.

But I never think it is a guarantee that if you pay your tithing you will have enough money that month. Whose to say that coming up short on a month of bills may be the kick-in-the-pants that was needed to pursue a different job option? Or any other life lesson that will develop you into an even more amazing version of yourself?

I just think that when belief systems are anchored in make-believe it is setting oneself up for confusion and heartache when that magic does not appear.

fishing in Oregon City, teach a man to fish, Christianity, charity,, amy mueller
Charity, Christianity, LDS, Progress

Teaching a Man to Fish

I have sat in church so many times where the topic is on charity. How do we give and hopefully, how do we receive, is discussed.  In almost every class I have attended someone uses the phrase:

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

This is then often expounded on by class members on why just showing up to give people things or help can actually be hurtful to that person.


This reasoning never sat well with me. Sometimes I have fallen victim to using this mentality, myself, as an excuse to not extend my hand. Though I did believe that when people don’t actively work for things, they could become complacent, this idea that we should use this phrase as an excuse to cop out of helping others just doesn’t seem too Christian.

Teaching Takes More Work

The phrase “teach a man to fish…” is often twisted into the idea that people just need to buck up and do for themselves. Part of ‘teaching’ becomes just telling someone they need to do X, Y, Z and then they will be good.

But, let’s consider what it actually takes to teach another person to fish.

I am no expert on fishing, but there are many steps to teaching another person to be a fisherman. It is a time-intensive process. You have to prepare the tackle and the rods, then explain about how fish are attracted to different bait. The rod has to be discussed on how to put the line on the rod, how to cast, if weights are needed, and on and on. Finally, after the minute mechanics are taught, then casting becomes the next item. Where to cast, how to read the river, fish behavior at different times of day… Do you see where I am going with this?

It is actually EASIER to give a man a fish than to teach him how to fish. 

Teaching someone to fish, especially to the point of self-sustainment, takes time, care, and dedication.  It is more than the transfer of knowledge. You stand with that person and guide them. And do you know what happens when you are that invested in another person? You begin to truly know them and love them. You begin to understand their hardships and perhaps that they did the best they could in the situation they had. You begin to be less judgemental and instead begin to encourage them.

Christ taught this way. He took time for the One. 

I don’t claim to know what helping others should look like. I think how we help those around us is as diverse as there are individual people. I know that as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I committed to God that I would do everything in my power to use my talents to help people. Right now in my life, that mostly looks like investing my time with my children while being a listening ear and sounding board for people I meet along my journey in this life.

But I constantly need to check-in with myself and be honest if my efforts align with this concept of teaching others to fish in whatever way I am able. I am not sure that I am doing that to the best of my ability, but I am going to try my hardest to not use that phrase as an excuse to turn my back on helping those I can.


Thank you to my mama for talking this concept through with me. You are a woman who has shown me what it means to be a Disciple of Christ who serves quietly.