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LDS divorce

hearts drawn in sand, single mom, dating as a single mom, lds dating, dating disasteres,, amy mueller,
Dating Disasters, Happy Right Now, Laughing at Myself, Single Mama

Minor Dating Disasters | Laughing at Myself

A few years ago, a friend of mine, who has kids the same age, and I were hanging out for a little play date. During our attempts at conversation we both realized two things:

  1. We had both, at times, slurred our speech
  2. We both stared off into space in silence with our eyes glazed over

We had a good laugh about how we were both exhausted from sleepless nights of children waking us up and that neither of us noticed the other’s zombie-like state.

We were zombie-friends

Now, picture me a couple years past this, but with a little boy who is still waking me up all night because of chronic ear infections.

Amy Mueller,, dating disasters, lds dating, mid-singles dating, lds divorce,

Me attempting to look awake. I sent this picture to my cosmetologist at her request.

A single mom dating. 

There was one set of dates in particular where I had just a few hours of solid sleep a night for weeks. Then the night before the date, just 2-3 hours.

I am laughing just thinking about my attempt to engage in delightful conversation. There was a loss of train of thought, over talking, and probably some slurring of words. 

To the  man’s credit, he was incredibly gracious. We went on more dates, so perhaps my charming personality carried through a bit?! Ha!

Thankfully, these extreme sleepless nights haven’t happened since Spring.

And hopefully I didn’t just jinx it.

Crater Lake,, Amy Mueller
Happy Right Now, Progress, Single Mama

Finding Amy

Dear Amy,

I found you this year. I used to say that you were lost, but in reality, you were always there. Under a bunch of muck, but you were there.

I found you in the dreams, which were really old dreams. This time around, though, you have wisdom and some kick-ass executive functioning skills. That means these dreams are going to be reality in just a short period time.

snowmobiling in island park, idaho snowmobiling, island park,








I found you in the mountains of Idaho. On a snowmobile where you remembered that your need for speed is intense. You flipped your snowmobile, broke your phone and laughed about it all weekend. Because that’s what kind of person you are. That loud hum on that snowmobile with white all around was cathartic. You found a few like-minded people who brought out the silliness, intense conversation, and throw down fun side, all in negative degree weather. It was solidified that the joy you find in life is driving the machine, not sitting on the back or on the sidelines.


Visiting Salt Lake City, Amy Mueller,









I found you in Utah. Where you danced. A lot. I would say all night, but that fun lasted well into the morning hours. You remembered how good it feels to just move to music and dance with joy. It was freeing to just move.

I found you in Portland, where everything looked even more green and vibrant than in the past. You drank up every last experience at Multnomah Falls and the ocean. Running and playing with the kids on the beach, even in sideways rain, felt like life. Continuously not wearing makeup at the coast for the sole purpose of looking heavenwards so that you could remember the moment when you returned back to the desert.

I found you during girl’s nights with women who have walked with you, supported you, and cried with you. They know your soul and still love you. Those are the best sorts of people to laugh with all evening.

You were there in the hard choices that have happened. But they were your choices. And you owned them as a path to an even better future.

catalina island snorkeling,,, snakeriverwebsites.comYou were there at the ocean. Where you learned to surf and snorkel. The love of the water is intense, even if you did end up puking off the ferry.

You were there during hard conversations where you developed your opinions and declared to yourself that you will not be living an ordinary life. Not that there is a thing wrong with and ordinary sort of life, it’s just never fit well on your skin.

And you have always existed wherever there is loud music and a vehicle to dance in.



May your past serve as a reminder that the best way to be a mother, sister, daughter, and friend is to stay true everyday to the nature you were born with. Always listen to your first voice. 


Charity, Christianity, LDS

On Holding Space

Humans of New York photo

“We told her to sit with us so we could share her sadness.” (Dohuk, Iraq)

A couple years ago, while still living in Oregon, I learned what it was like to have friends and church members hold space for me. From what I can gather, most people assumed my life was going just fine. I had 3 little kids, looked happily married, and served in a leadership calling within the women’s organization at my church.


The pain that comes from realizing that I had to get a divorce felt physical. As I went to my church during this time, it was difficult to contain my emotions when I had to repeatedly tell people when they mentioned my spouse, that we were no longer living together.

The overwhelming majority of people who I talked to with tears in my eyes (and I’m not a crier… so this was a bit unnerving too, I’m sure!) held space for me. What did that look like?

-They empathized in their words by saying, “I’m so sorry” and often apologized saying that ‘they didn’t know’.

-They offered me hugs. Even as a normally not-so-huggy person– I needed these hugs. They were present in their embracing me.

-They placed themselves between me and anyone passing so that I would not be a spectacle for on-lookers. Maybe that is not what everyone needs, but as a fairly private person, this was very kind.

-They didn’t ask invasive questions. They realized that the details were really not their business.

-They genuinely asked what they could do to help– or offered something outright that they knew they could do.

-They didn’t ask the “what’s next” questions. They were emotionally mature enough to realize that the very moment I was dealing in was enough. Plus– again– not really their business.

-They buffered other’s callousness for me. Like the time my very good friend turned down me giving a talk for me. When the man asked, “do you make her decisions for her?”  My friend looked him dead in the eyes and said something similar to, “yes, I do, and she is NOT giving a talk.”

The biggest thing is when people didn’t try to troubleshoot or solve the issues with me. People who are so close to my heart, emphasized their knowledge that I have it in me to figure the situation out and what my next move would be. They acknowledged that this piece of life is hard. They were present in the moment I was currently in.

Another good friend of mine was teaching a lesson in the women’s church class. She had said that her lesson was a bit different that anticipated. She talked about being valiant. The definition she found was:

-Hold fast to the Savior

-Be Bold

-Possessing or showing courage or determination

She cited Acts 9:6: Lord what wilt thou have me do.

Then she stated, “sometimes the most valiant we can be is to step aside and say ‘no more’ no matter how it looks.”

I then proceeded to go from tearful to stifling all-out-crying. When she was done teaching, she gave me the biggest hug and cried with me. This moment always reminds me of the photograph at the top.

We can do this as friends, neighbors, and as Christians. Holding space for people in our circles looks just like, “Mourning with those who mourn.” and “Standing to comfort those”.

We all struggle. Every last one of us. Let’s try to change the influence we have on others by acknowledging the toughness of life. I truly believe that as I have better understood the difficulties and accept them as part of life, that I have been able to experience much more joy.

May we all hold space for one another.



Picture of Mt. Hood
Birthdays, Happy Right Now, Progress

On Turning 31

July 8th. It’s my birthday.

I am all about celebrations. I have gotten carried away more times than I can count on inviting people, only to end up cooking from scratch for 30-60 people.

I truly love it

As I get older, I find myself seeking out time to contemplate more on my own birthday than my usual extroverted-party-loving nature. A lot of times I go to the temple alone, maybe quietly sit at a cafe, and make some goals.

This year, I have enough goals I am actively working on that it would not be helpful to add more to the list. I have been running over in my mind all the change I have been through in the past year: divorce, selling my house (#3), letting go of my first home, moving into my first house where I am not living with other adults (roommates, family, spouse), completing more websites, elevating my skills, and busting out who-knows-how-many credits for school. This list makes me determined to keep moving forward.

There were some super fun firsts this year

I found out that I actually enjoy living alone (ya know, if ‘alone’ means with 3 small children!) Recently, I went surfing, snorkeling, and puked off a ferry for the first time! (I swear it wasn’t only me!)

catalina island snorkeling,,,

Earlier this year I went snowmobiling in Island Park and found out that I absolutely love it. But it involves an engine and going fast, so it was sort of a given that I would love it. In fact, before the trip my mama called me and asked me to please consider not going to fast so that I come home in one piece because she knows I love speed. And then I flipped the machine.

snowmobiling in island park, idaho snowmobiling, island park,

After being a teen and young adult that snowboarded and white water rafted all the time, it was time to try some new things.

There were some reawakenings too. I still love to dance! And attend cultural events! I’ve started writing more and loving the clarity it gives me.

I have found myself getting more firmly planted in knowing exactly who I am and what I want. I have solidly come to terms with the idea that I can be both a feminist and orthodox LDS. Moving forward to what I want has led to me getting pretty focused on my path and I have had to learn to say no, a lot. Which I hate, because I like to be involved in everything. I have also realized that no matter how much life continues to force me into patience, I will still tap my foot impatiently.

I’ve learned that self-care is essential. I have learned that people are amazing and fundamentally good. Though I get wrapped up in the steps it will take to get to my goals right now, my long game is always optimism.

Last year was the year of change. Year 31 is going to be more change and some serious forward movement.

It’s going to be a great year. 

Single Mama

Silence | A Response

Just about every other weekend silence descends on my house.

Some people say I chose this silence.

I did not.

Silence permeated my being and my houses long before I was physically alone.

I fill my time with tasks that propel my family forward.

That, I will always choose.

Christmas 2016, single mom, amywearsblack,,
Christianity, Christmas, LDS, Miracles


Miracles are happening.

It was no small consideration to get a divorce. This has been years of heart-wrenching thought and prayer. Just because a path is what is right for me, does not in anyway make it easy. And it not being easy, doesn’t make it wrong. All I have to do is look to the Jaredites in the Book of Mormon. Blessings: getting to be with family and some friends. Not so great: Make a boat, travel on said boat in close quarters with said family and friends. Try not to get drowned by whales, only to arrive in a land that you need to make all your own from scratch. Certainly the blessings are there, but that sure doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of scary parts.

And here I sit in the scary parts. The unsures of the future. Certainly I made a plan. I even had it reviewed by a fabulous financial planner who gave it his stamp of approval. But here I am. Sitting in that boat I have somehow figured out how to build with the help of the Lord (figuratively, of course, since I live in the high desert). I’m out on the water, and here come the thoughts of, “by golly, I sure hope this works. Do I have it in me to make this happen? I am doing what I am suppose to be doing? These kids are depending on me to accomplish this, but what if I am just not enough?”

The only thing I can figure out to do is hold tight to the divine inspiration I know, I KNOW, I received. It happened, that I cannot deny. Nor can I deny the process of events that have led me to where I am now. But that water sure looks dark, and I don’t have much experience taking a boat from one continent to another.

I had been feeling rather overwhelmed and lonely. Lots of sickness means no babysitting, which means I get far behind on my school work. Thankfully, a blessing I have received is the ability to understand complicated information much faster than I should be able to on the number of hours of sleep I have been getting. But, when we are talking about 3-4 hours of interrupted sleep a night, things get tough to hold together. So I finally had enough brain power to pray yesterday. I asked for help. I asked that maybe someone could help me cope with the responsibilities on my shoulders. That I have a hard time feeling like I am bothering people when I ask for the help that I really need, which is time with the kids.

10 minutes later, my Bishop calls. Tells me to have the kids make Christmas lists and to give them to him on Sunday. That some nice people in the ward would like to help out some families, so he is calling me.

Today I head to church, feeling overwhelmingly humble that I have been remembered by the Lord and by my ward family. With no family close by, it is nice to be thought of. The kids were feral cats at church. The lack of sleep, recent illness (though they are well now), and other situations just made the boys especially nuts. It was a happy nuts, where they were joyfully harassing one another.

Very. Loudly. Jumping all over.

I finally took all 3 out into the foyer of the church and separated them onto different chairs spread out. Of course I am thinking, “why am I here?” I remind myself that I find value in the pattern of attending church and being a part of a ward, that the Sacrament is the most important part of my attendance, but attending all meetings is important to me to show my children. Out marches my neighbor from my house I just sold. “Which one do you want me to take?” My daughter will only consent (and is excited) to go with her. The boys are fine enough in the foyer. I take the kids to class, hand in the Christmas list. The neighbor finds me and gives me a big hug and insists that I need to sit by her every Sunday. I am crying at this point, being so sleep deprived and overwhelmed. She continues to ask me what I need. I am so scatterbrained, but she feels right through this and got to the heart of my needs. She insists she can watch my kids as I need for the next couple weeks.

What a miracle. I was shown that I am not alone on this path I am walking.

I am humbled.      I am grateful.