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Dating Disasters, Happy Right Now, Laughing at Myself, Single Mama

Minor Dating Disasters | Laughing at Myself

A few years ago, a friend of mine, who has kids the same age, and I were hanging out for a little play date. During our attempts at conversation we both realized two things:

  1. We had both, at times, slurred our speech
  2. We both stared off into space in silence with our eyes glazed over

We had a good laugh about how we were both exhausted from sleepless nights of children waking us up and that neither of us noticed the other’s zombie-like state.

We were zombie-friends

Now, picture me a couple years past this, but with a little boy who is still waking me up all night because of chronic ear infections.

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Me attempting to look awake. I sent this picture to my cosmetologist at her request.

A single mom dating. 

There was one set of dates in particular where I had just a few hours of solid sleep a night for weeks. Then the night before the date, just 2-3 hours.

I am laughing just thinking about my attempt to engage in delightful conversation. There was a loss of train of thought, over talking, and probably some slurring of words. 

To the  man’s credit, he was incredibly gracious. We went on more dates, so perhaps my charming personality carried through a bit?! Ha!

Thankfully, these extreme sleepless nights haven’t happened since Spring.

And hopefully I didn’t just jinx it.

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